Ballymena Festival is now approaching its centenary, and is one of the largest festivals in Northern Ireland, running for more than 3 weeks in February/March. There are 5 sections: Irish Dancing, Traditional Music, Instrumental, Vocal, and Speech and Drama, with about 6,000 performers annually. Its main sponsor is Ballymena Borough Council, with support from some local businesses. It is organised by an elected Executive Committee - all volunteers! It is affiliated to the British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance & Speech, of which Her Majesty The Queen is Patron.
Anyone wishing to be a member of Ballymena Festival should contact The Membership Secretary: Mrs Mary Campbell, 8 Hillside Court, Ballymena, BT43 5NB. Tel: 028 2564 6701. Email:
Ballymena Festival is run for the benefit of adults and young people seeking to perform in their chosen field of music, drama or dance. Their performance is adjudicated by a professional, and feedback is given to each performer. As well as developing skills, performing in front of an audience increases self-confidence, and in some group classes, co-operation.
The fee to become a Member of Ballymena Festival is £18 per annum. Membership allows you entry to all sessions of the Festival. Members of the public can pay to come into a session and listen; it is £2 for adults and £1 for children per session.
No. Performers do pay entry fees for classes
The Festival itself is annual, usually the last 2 weeks in February and the first week in March. The Executive Committee have regular committee meetings to organise the Festival.
The Braid Arts Centre, Bridge Street, Ballymena
None, other than an interest in local cultural events. Volunteers must be vetted for Safeguarding/Child Protection as we deal with thousands of children.
Members get enjoyment from listening to, and observing, performers. Volunteers work hard to provide the best conditions possible for performance, and get satisfaction from this. You can come and listen! In particular, we have two Gala nights, where standards are extremely high!
Most of the performers in the Festival are children and young people, especially in Dance and Speech and Drama.
There would be school choirs and choral groups, duets and individual performances. Many classes are age-specific.