Ballymena Cultural Directory

Ballymena Vis-art Club
  • Date of Formation: 01/01/1966
  • Number of Members: 20+
  • Category: Art

A number of local artists got together (some time in the late fifties early sixties) to form a group under the leadership of Mr Frank Shepard, an art teacher at Ballymena Intermediate School. It is believed that they met in each other's homes and then in a barn on the Galgorm Road, Ballymena. The numbers increased over the following years and they had to look for bigger accommodation which they found in the Minor hall in Ballymena's old Town Hall where they met on a Wednesday morning. Membership continued to increase and a second morning class was opened on Thursday mornings. We believe the two tutors at that time were a Mr Steed and our present President Mrs Suzanne Forth. It is understood that the club was formed under the name Ballymena Art Society and changed its name at a later date to Vis-Art Club. That is the story of the formation of the club but unfortunately we have no documentation to confirm these details.

The first documented evidence is for the year 1966.From then we can confirm that the club were meeting in the minor hall within the Town Hall complex and were holding exhibitions at that time. Some of the early members of the club are still involved - Suzanne Forth who is our present President, Catherine Flood a present tutor and Molly Metcalfe who retired as a tutor in 2011 and is our only Honorary Member.

With the refurbishment of the old Town Hall and the new build extension (The Braid Arts Centre) the club had to seek other accommodation and thanks to the Michelin Athletic Club they moved out of the town centre. We continue to meet on Wednesday morning's (September to March) in their excellent facilities on the Woodside Road in Ballymena.

Exhibitions are still a major event each year and over the years our members have given a percentage of their sales to nominated charities. From the formation of the club to the present we have made donations totalling thousands of pounds to local charities. For the past seven years we have, with the support of Ballymena Borough Council, held our exhibitions in the excellent facilities in the Braid Town Hall, Museum and Arts Centre.

The club have, for a number of years, been inviting professional artists to give to give demonstrations during the year and continue to do so but with many changes. From small attendances to numbers up to fifty have been attracted by the foresight of our present committee who have invited members of other clubs to attend. As at all demonstrations the artist is mostly standing with their back to the audience and their body blocks their work. We now have introduced the use of video equipment which allows us to show the artist's work on a large screen and with a sound system the artist can explain his technique etc., following the demonstration DVD's are available to members.

We have a very friendly atmosphere within our classes and have improved the camaraderie over the past few years with a Christmas dinner which is now looked forward to each year. At this dinner class members bring along some of their work for a private display within the hall.

Classes are held each Wednesday morning (10.00am - 12.30pm) from September to December and from January to March and are held at the Michelin Athletic Club, 30 Woodside Road, Ballymena. Fees Club Membership £15.00 and if you join the class the fee is £20.00 per session And the sessions are 1. September to December and 2. January to March. We have depending on weather arranged an outdoor event for this summer and hope to increase the number of these outings next year 2014 (fees will be advised for each event).

The painting which Ballymena Borough Council presented to Liam Neeson at his Freedom of Ballymena Ceremony was painted by one of our tutors, Catherine Flood.

In 2011 one of our members Persis Coulter won the Federation of Women's Institute in Northern Ireland Best Watercolour Novice and the Best Overall award. All our members give a percentage of sales of paintings sold at our exhibitions to a nominated charity, to date we have given donations totalling thousands of pounds to local charities. For example in 2012 we were able to donate to the Art Department in Castle Tower School Ballymena a sum which was equal to their art materials budget for that year.

Frequently asked question

If I am interested in joining your group how do I go about it?

Contact any of our officials or visit one of our classes

Who is your group aimed at or who do you cater for?

We cater for anyone interested in art irrespective of age, gender, religion or race. However as our classes are held on a weekday morning you need to be over school leaving age.

Do I have to pay membership dues to join?

Yes, the club membership fee is £15.00 per year and if you wish to attend the class it is a further £20.00 per session i.e September to December (£20.00) January to March (£20.00).

Are there any ongoing expenses associated with membership e.g. materials, insurance, fees?

No, you provide your own paints, chalks, boards, paper, canvas, etc

How often do you meet?

Classes are held each Wednesday morning (10.00am - 12.30pm) from September to December and from January to March and are held at the Michelin Athletic Club, 30 Woodside Road, Ballymena.

Where do you meet?

Michelin Athletic Club
30 Woodside Road
Co. Antrim
BT42 4HX

Is there any criteria potential members must meet in order to join the group? e.g. experience

No, providing you are interested in painting and adhere to club rules

What can I expect to learn if I join the group?

"The group was formed to give local amateur artists the opportunity to hopefully improve their painting skills in a friendly and sociable atmosphere and to allow them to pass on their knowledge (which might not always be about art) to their colleagues." -Tom McGarel, Chairman.

Can I join the group as an observer or must I actively participate?

To join the club you can be an observer but the only meeting other than classes is the Annual General meeting. If you wish to be an observer at classes you will be required to pay the fees as detailed above.

What is the usual demographic of the group, gender, age group etc?

Membership of the club is open to those as described above, however as our classes are held on a weekday morning those wishing to attend would for various reasons, e.g. school attendance, work commitments family responsibilities etc., may find the hours unsuitable

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What they say?

  • Lord Puttnam of Queensgate / CBE

    "Ballymena's Creative Citizens Programme is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to experience the Arts."

  • Liam Neeson / OBE, Freeman of Ballymena

    "Ballymena and the Borough have always had a deep creative 'pool' in all the arts. It's wonderful and, personally, exciting for me that this pool is being tapped into and explored by this wonderful creative alliance. I'm very proud of you all!"