Formed in April 2011, The Braid Film Theatre (formerly Film@TheBraid) is part of the Ballymena Borough Council Arts Partnership and is operated voluntarily by Tim Burden and Gary Sullivan, Paul Chapman was a founding member who has since left the team. Each coming from media and theatrical exhibition industries, they bring their knowledge and enthusiasm together to ensure that the best possible presentation and content is screened throughout the year.
Monthly screenings and specially programmed events are very much the idea behind the theatre, and a unique evening with a film industry guest is hosted and produced by them as part of Ballymena's Annual Arts Festival.
Films featured are often seminal classics, foreign language, local short films, cult favourites or independent.
Ballymena Arts Partnership, our umbrella group, were winners of the Ireland Epic Award for People's Choice and the Ireland runner up for the Epic Awards.
Our purpose is to further the advancement of the Arts and support local Arts activities within the wider community and also to bring classic film screenings to your doorstep!
If you are interested in getting involved please express your interest in writing to;
Rosalind Lowry-Arts & Events Development Officer
The Braid Arts Centre
1-29 Bridge Street
BT43 5EJ
While membership of Ballymena Arts Partnership is elected, all of the events that are run by Braid Film Theatre are open to everyone. We cater for classic film lovers or those who fancy viewing an old favourite on the big screen. Some of our films may be rated 15 or 18, so please check before purchasing tickets
While membership of Ballymena Arts Partnership is elected, all of the events that are run by Braid Film Theatre are open to everyone. We cater for classic film lovers or those who fancy viewing an old favourite on the big screen. Some of our films may be rated 15 or 18, so please check before purchasing tickets
There would be no on-going expenses associated with becoming a member.
Our film screenings are monthly, generally the last Thursday of every month at 7.00pm.
The Braid Arts Centre
1-29 Bridge Street
BT43 5EJ
Ballymena Arts Partnership is made up of not more than 10 volunteers and 3 to 4 Councillors who act as a forum for local arts and advise Ballymena Borough Council, and who are elected at an AGM from one of the three categories listed: Practising Arts Professional Member of local Arts Group/Organisation Have a proven reputation in the Arts
Event organisation, management and co-ordination
As membership is limited to 10 volunteers active participation is required
Visit our web page to find out who are members are;