Despite being at the same school Paddy and Lisa met by chance at an audition for the BBC show 'Find Me The Funny'. Lisa had never done any form of comedy on stage before and Paddy was well known on the local scene. The two got chatting during the long fourteen hour audition process and decided to start up a comedy club to bring comedy to Ballymena. The first night saw them bringing local favourite Tim McGarry down as the headline act. The comedy club has been going ever since, showcasing the local comedy talent of Northern Ireland and Ireland. In 2013 Braid Comedy Club teamed up with Cookstown Sizzlin' Comedy Club to share acts and ideas.
Contact Lisa at
Anyone with an interest in comedy and having fun
Once a month.
Random coffee shops
Be funny
How to tell a joke.
Observers are welcome as well as active participants.
Over 18