The Workers' Educational Association (WEA) is Northern Ireland's largest non-statutory provider of adult community education, with a 100-year history of delivering learning programmes to traditionally 'hard to reach' groups. We target those individuals and community groups that do not naturally gravitate towards formal educational activities - marginalised groups and those living in socially and economically disadvantaged areas. Our heritage has been built on the belief that education should be accessible for all, based on a learner centred approach, fun and non-threatening for our target audiences
With over 100 years' experience of working in Northern Ireland, the WEA has extensive experience of bringing education into communities. Over this period we have won a range of awards from National Training Awards, Essential Skills Learner of the Year and many of our students have won awards from Awarding Bodies such as CCEA and NCFE
Learning design is based on a bespoke approach which respects, supports and builds a relationship with the learner, bringing a positive and sustainable change to their lives. Our tutors and trainers have a strong belief in what we do and facilitate the delivery of knowledge and learning in a passionate way that connects with people and communities, ensuring excellent retention rates and active participation in the learning process. We provide a wide range of learning including ICT, essential skills, creative industries and crafts, good relations, community development, leadership and other areas to support individual and group development. The WEA has a long track record of working in the Ballymena area: since the 50's in fact. Most recently, we have been the lead partner in delivering two Peace III projects in the North East Cluster area which includes the Borough of Ballymena Council. Themes included Community Integration and Leadership in a Shared Society. These programmes promote the use of creativity in building a more cohesive society. The WEA is keen to continue and develop links with community groups in the Ballymena Borough Council area and we are always happy to talk to groups to hear their ideas and finds ways of working with them which allow us to bring education into the heart of our communities.
Find us on our website:, call us on 02890 329718 or look us up on our Facebook page.
The WEA tries to bring people into education and give them new experiences of learning but we are keen to get anyone involved in our courses and programmes
It depends on the courses and programmes but contact us to find out what's on. Alternatively, you should contact a community group in the Ballymena area and see what they are offering. We can tell you who they are if you contact us.
In community centres and local learning centres in community venues across the Borough.
he only criteria is that you have to want to learn. Just come along and give it a go.
It will depend on the group and what they would like to cover. The WEA operates with a learner centred approach and we negotiate learning contracts with our students, so that you learn what you feel you need to cover.
The WEA prefers people to take part in learning and we will help you feel comfortable when you come to our courses
WEA learners are from all walks of life: men, women, younger, older. As we are an adult education provider, our students are usually over 16 years old and we've had students who have celebrated their 93rd Birthdays on our programmes!