Ballymena Cultural Directory

The Ad-Hoc Theatre Group
  • Date of Formation: 01/05/2005
  • Number of Members: 11-20
  • Category: Drama

We are a lively and friendly am-dram group. We provide opportunities for; performing, directing, writing and developing back-stage skills. Our membership is free and open to all from 17 to 117! Whether you are an absolute beginner, professionally trained, or anywhere in between, all we require from members is enthusiasm.

  • Contact Name:
    Bob Margrain
  • Telephone:
    028 2588 0417
    077 1701 1842
  • Email:
  • Address:
    The Braid Arts Centre
    1-29 Bridge Street
    BT43 5EJ
  • Social Media:

Recent Productions

In 2012 we performed "Inherit the Wind" (a rehearsed reading), "A Creamcracker Under the Settee" (one act play), "Last Tango in Little Grimley" (one act play), two "Pat Morgan Interviews", several "Two Old Ladies" sketches, and also produced no less than five plays written by our own members, performed as rehearsed readings in the Ballymena Arts Festival.

Frequently asked question

If I am interested in joining your group how do I go about it?

Please contact Bob Margrain on 028 2588 0417 or 077 1701 1842 to find out when our next meeting is scheduled

Who is your group aimed at or who do you cater for?

Our membership is free and open to all from 17 to 117! Whether you are an absolute beginner, professionally trained, or anywhere in between, all we require from members is enthusiasm

Do I have to pay membership dues to join?

As an Amateur Dramatics group membership is free.

Are there any ongoing expenses associated with membership e.g. materials, insurance, fees?

You may have to source props, costumes etc.

How often do you meet?

Our meetings are on most Thursdays in the Braid Arts Centre, Ballymena, running from 7.30pm to 9.30pm

Where do you meet?

The Braid Arts Centre Ballymena

Is there any criteria potential members must meet in order to join the group? e.g. experience

Enthusiasm is all that is required-acting experience is not necessary

What can I expect to learn if I join the group?

We provide opportunities for performing, directing, writing and developing back-stage skills.

Can I join the group as an observer or must I actively participate?

You can join the group as an observer, if being on stage is not your thing help is always needed backstage with costuming, make-up, staging etc, You can be as actively involved as you wish

What is the usual demographic of the group, gender, age group etc?

We have a real mix of people young and old male and female.

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What they say?

  • Lord Puttnam of Queensgate / CBE

    "Ballymena's Creative Citizens Programme is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to experience the Arts."

  • Liam Neeson / OBE, Freeman of Ballymena

    "Ballymena and the Borough have always had a deep creative 'pool' in all the arts. It's wonderful and, personally, exciting for me that this pool is being tapped into and explored by this wonderful creative alliance. I'm very proud of you all!"